James L. Elia


Below is a complete list of my research publications spanning various topics in chemistry, biology, and biomedical sciences. The first section covers peer-reviewed scientific articles while the latter section covers presentations, posters, and other forms of scientific publication. Click the item for a drop-down with more information.

Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

E.D. Huseman, A. Lo, O. Fedorova, J.L. Elia, S.E. Gueble, K. Lin, R.K. Sundaram, J. Oh, J. Liu, F. Menges, M.G. Rees, M.M. Ronan, J.A. Roth, V.S. Batista, J.M. Crawford, A.M. Pyle, R.S. Bindra, S.B. Herzon. "Mechanism of Action of KL-50, a Candidate Imidazotetrazine for the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Brain Cancers." Journal of the American Chemical Society. 30 May 2024.

Over half of glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer, do not express methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT), an important DNA direct repair enzyme. Tumors lacking MGMT are more sensitive to specific kinds of DNA damage; however, resistance often arises by loss of mismatch repair (MMR), which senses this specific DNA damage and leads to cell death. The Bindra and Herzon Labs developed KL-50 as a novel DNA-damaging agent that is selectively toxic to MGMT-deficient cells regardless of MMR status (Lin and Gueble et al. 2022). Here, we elucidate the mechanism of the molecule in detail and offer chemical explanations for its apparent superiority over a similar DNA-damaging agent, mitozolomide (MTZ).

D.C. Luther, R. Goswami, Y-W. Lee, T. Jeon, R. Huang, J.L. Elia, H. Nagaraj, J.J.E. Bijlsma, M. Piest, M.A. Langereis, V.M. Rotello. "Non-viral vaccination through cationic guanidium polymer-pDNA polyplex mediated gene transfer." Nanoscale. 30 May 2023.

Shifting focus towards using the PONI polymer system for nucleic acids delivery, which already have a physiological negative charge due to the phosphate backbone. Interestingly, we found shorter PONI polymers encapsulated nucleic acids more efficiently. We used plasmid DNA delivery as a method of vaccination against Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). We demonstrated protection against NDV within a few weeks of vaccination in a chicken model.

T. Jeon, D.C. Luther, R. Goswami, C. Bell, H, Nagaraj, Y.A. Cicek, R. Huang, J.A. Mas Rosario, J.L. Elia, J. Im, Y-W. Lee, Y. Liu, F. Scaletti, M.E. Farkas, J. Mager, V.M. Rotello. "Engineered Polymer-siRNA Polyplexes Provide Effective Treatment of Lung Inflammation." ACS Nano. 14 Feb 2023.

Continuing a nucleic acids focus from Luther et al. 2023, we used the PONI system for delivery of siRNA targeting tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), an inflammatory cytokine, to reduce damaging inflammation in the lungs. We were particularly interested in this model due to the increasing prevalence of COVID-19. Our mouse model of lung inflammation showed a strong response to the siRNA delivery at low doses, temporarily lowering TNF-α and mitigating the immune cascade.

D.C. Luther, Y. Lee, H. Nagaraj, V. Clark, T. Jeon, R. Goswami, S. Gopalakrishnan, S. Fedeli, W. Jerome, J.L. Elia, and V.M. Rotello. "Cytosolic Protein Delivery Using Modular Biotin-Streptavidin Assembly of Nanocomposites." ACS Nano. 18 Apr 2022.

The disadvantage of the Lee et al. 2020 E-tag system is the labor-intensive mutagenesis of each protein one wished to deliver. To address this, we made the system more modulable and accessible by biotinylating the E-tag and the protein to be delivered, then complexing both with streptavidin, a tetramer that binds tightly to biotin. Now, any protein could be delivered using our homopolymer system with “mix on the bench” chemistry, circumventing the need for extensive genetic engineering.

S. Fedeli*, J. Im*, S. Gopalakrishnan, J.L. Elia, A. Gupta, D. Kim, and V.M. Rotello. "Nanomaterial-based bioorthogonal catalysts in biological environment." Chemical Society Reviews. 15 Nov 2021.

We wrote a tutorial review on these use of nanomaterials to enhance the efficacy and safety of transition metal catalysts (TMCs) in biological systems. We also review the potential application of nanomaterial-TMC "nanozymes" in therapeutics and imaging.

Y. Lee, D.C. Luther, R. Goswami, T. Jeon, V. Clark, J. Elia, S. Gopalakrishnan, V.M. Rotello. "Direct Cytosolic Delivery of Proteins through Coengineering of Proteins and Polymeric Delivery Vehicles." Journal of the American Chemical Society. 12 Feb 2020.

We developed a system for delivering biologics directly to the cytosol using a homopolymer called poly(oxanorbornene-imide), or “PONI,” which is made cationic via guanidinium functional groups. Our first approach used site-directed mutagenesis to add glutamates to the C-terminus of proteins (E-tag), giving the protein a bulk negative charge at physiological conditions. The negative E-tag spontaneously complexes with the positive PONI polymer in solution. With the protein encapsulated, the polymer momentarily disrupts the membrane and delivers the protein directly to the cytosol.

Posters, Presentations, and Other Publications

J.L. Elia, J. Hill, C. Heer, S. Smolev, S. Johnson, K. Lucas, R. Sundaram, R. Bindra, S. Herzon. "Homologous Recombination Deficiency with a Novel Crosslinking Strategy." Radiobiology and Genome Integrity Research Seminar. 3 Mar 2025.

Presented my research at Yale Cancer Center's Radiobiology and Genome Integrity Research Seminar on the selective inhibition of homologous recombination deficient tumors using DNA-crosslinking agents.

J.L. Elia, C. Heer, S. Johnson, K. Lin, S. Smolev, R. Sundaram, R. Bindra, S. Herzon. "Exploiting Homologous Recombination Defects with a Novel DNA-Crosslinking Strategy." DNA Damage, Mutation, and Cancer Gordon Research Conference. 10 Mar 2024.

Presented a poster on the use of a DNA-crosslinking agent with an exceptional selectivity for tumors lacking functional homologous recombination.

E.D. Huseman, A. Lo, O. Fedorova, J. Elia, S. Gueble, K. Lin, R. Sundaram, J. Oh, J. Liu, F. Menges, M. Rees, M. Ronan, J. Roth, V. Batista, J. Crawford, A. Pyle, R. Bindra, S. Herzon. "Mechanism of Action of KL-50, a Novel Imidazotetrazine for the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Brain Cancers." ChemRxiv. 13 June 2023.

Preprint. See above manuscript for final version and description.

J.L. Elia, N. Bartfield, R. Sundaram, R. Bindra, S. Herzon. "Exploiting Oncometabolite-driven DNA Repair Deficiencies in Mutant IDH Tumors." Radiobiology and Genome Integrity Research Seminar. 30 Jan 2023.

Presented my research at Yale Cancer Center's Radiobiology and Genome Integrity Research Seminar on the inhibition of ALKBH enzymes in mutant-IDH tumors by the accumulation of 2-hydroxyglutarate.

J.L. Elia, V.M. Rotello. "Comparing two delivery systems for efficient in vitro human genome editing." Commonwealth Honors College Thesis in Biology. 15 May 2021.

I compared the novel PONI homopolymer and E-tag system to arginine-functionalized gold nanoparticles, the previous delivery system used in the Rotello Lab. By quantifying GFP knockout in modified human cells after nanoparticle-mediated delivery of Cas9 ribonucleoprotein (RNP), we found the 60 kDa PONI homopolymer system to be superior in gene editing efficiency.

J.L. Elia, V.M. Rotello. "Comparing two delivery systems for efficient in vitro human genome editing." Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference. 23 Apr 2021.

Presented my honors thesis of the same title.